Our Practice Areas

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Our experience litigating matters of zoning and land use law distinguishes us in a very important way from those other fine law firms with extraordinary land use departments. Because we so palpably understand the substantive, procedural, and structural underpinnings of zoning and land use law, we are able to litigate zoning and land use matters in a way that uniquely aligns our clients’ strategic business objectives with the unique facts of every land use case. 

  We draft and amend land development regulations and comprehensive plans to align with our clients’ particular development program. We draft and advocate for zoning and land use approvals throughout the administrative, legislative, and quasi-judicial entitlement process and, correspondingly, handle cases that arise from these processes. We work as part of the development team alongside the talented architects, engineers, development professionals, and land use counsel to ensure that a given application presented in the most tactically advantageous way where litigation is likely or expected. 

Sub-Practice Areas

Private Sector Zoning and Land Use Practice

We routinely represent real estate development firms, universities, health care systems, real estate investment trusts, and family offices in all manner of land use, zoning, and entitlement litigation. 

Public Sector Zoning and Land Use Practice

We are privileged to represent units of municipal and county government in complex and contentious zoning and land use matters. We serve as special outside counsel to assist with the public hearing approval process and litigation that arises against government. We work alongside local government lawyers to provide our subject matter expertise when the demands of any one particular case require our unique perspective and experience.